
This is a series of five animations about Democracy and Human Rights in school comissioned by the Council of Europe to raise awareness about issues such as diversity, participation, human dignity and democratic school governance.

In 2013, the Council of Europe organized a comic design contest for K-12 and high-school students. The topic was "Democracy and Human Rights in Schools". After a long selection process, 10 designs were chosen as sources of inspiration for these five animated movies. The scripts were worked out in close collaboration with the staff of the Council of Europe. We sought a balance between entertainment, humour and the values children had chosen to emphasize in their comics, which include diversity, participation, human dignity and democratic practice in schools. As many as 16 animated characters appear in the movies. The videos are available in French and in English. For more information about this project, click here.

Script : Council of Europe and Pedro Meca
Design, illustration and animation: Pedro Meca
Character design: Kelly Abanto and Pedro Meca
Music: Juan García Escudero
Client: Council of Europe

Chemistry class

Make your voice heard

School factory

Colour your world

We all deserve dignity

Hellooo Pedrooo: info@pedromeca.com

© Pedro Meca 2023