Pedro Meca was about 8 years old when the shopkeeper in the street where he lived proposed him a deal: he wanted him to draw his wife and he would pay him with a piece of chewing gum. It was Pedro's first freelance contract (in fact, the best he's had so far). When the shopkeeper's wife saw the drawing she burst out laughing, "He painted all my wrinkles!" The payment went through anyway and the customers were very pleased with that drawing (once Pedro erased the wrinkles).

Since then, Pedro hasn't put down his pencil and continues to freelance, drawing and using various types of visual communication in his studio in Murcia (Spain). He shares the raising of his children with the creation of illustrations, graphic design, editorial design, animation and of course comics, a medium he reveres and loves in equal parts.

If you've taken a look at her website, you'll see that his illustration style is minimalist and synthetic, based on simple colors and sometimes inspired by the clear line of comics. If he can, he usually includes some humor in his creations, because humor is one of the best ways to communicate a message (as long as we are not talking about taxes).

Sometimes he gives talks at art institutes where he teaches the new generations the ins and outs of the profession. For the kids he has created workshops where they have a great time stimulating creativity and explore the world of comics to learn how to communicate visually (5 years and older).

Give him a shout:

Don't waste your precious time on social media, especially not on following Pedro, but if you are really really bored and have nothing better to do, go ahead: linkedin, instagram and facebook


© Pedro Meca 2023

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